Why Going on a Me-Moon is a Great Idea

Your wedding day is unanimously accepted to be among the most important days of your life. This expectation can place an enormous amount of pressure on you to make the day perfect and enjoy it to its fullest. Unfortunately, this detracts from the fundamental essence of the day, that being a celebration of you and your partners love and a chance for both of you to be weighted on hand and foot. A ’me-moon’ essentially functions as a luxury getaway that you take in preparation for your wedding in the same vein as your honeymoon after your wedding.
Let us walk you through the benefits of a ‘me-moon’ holiday and why it might just be right for you!
Getting in shape
Hyperbaric chamber treatment at RAKxa Medical and Wellness Retreat
Ask any bride or groom and they’ll tell you that losing weight is near the top of their checklist of things to achieve in the runup to their wedding. But it’s not necessarily about losing weight; it’s about becoming more comfortable in your body and feeling beautiful. There are many ways that we can go about doing this, some do a juice cleanse on top of a getting a gym membership and taking yoga classes. But let’s face it, this is far too monotonous. A pre-wedding ‘Me-Moon’ provides a supportive and enjoyable space for guided weight-loss and exercises to aid you in achieving that ideal physique and outlook on your body.
For example, Weight Management at RAKxa Medical and Wellness Retreat offers a comprehensive programme of weight and dietary management treatments designed with the individual in mind. Aiding to the achievement of your ideal body includes nutritional, medical, and wellness examinations. As well as relaxing deep tissue massage, Pilates sessions, and a personalised exercise plan.
Massage therapy at Park Igls
The wedding period is stressful, anyone who has ever had input in wedding planning knows that stress is an unavoidable part of the process. The issue arises when the associated stress reaches its apex, and your enjoyment of the day suffers as a result. Mitigating this stress is a challenge and you may feel that removing yourself somewhat from the planning process is the only recourse. But this isn’t your only option, A ‘me-moon’ is a fantastic way to manage your stress in the runup to your big day. This is done not only through the stunning natural landscapes that the majority of these programmes are situated in but also through a range of wellness activities, be they meditation, spa treatments or experience in nature.
Mayr De-stress at Park Igls, for example, offers a relaxing and enriching environment cohesive to stress management and reduction. Relax and feel pampered with multiple body massages and combination heat packs. Or give voice to you worries through the talk therapy sessions that are included as part of the retreat.
Improving your complexion
Detoxifying clay massage at Longevity Health and Wellness Hotel
The memories you make on your wedding day are preserved forever in the photos that you take. This can inadvertently cause a lot of anxiety – we want to look our best and we’ll do everything in our power to achieve this. As such we sink a substantial amount of money into the pursuit of this – with the average price of makeup for weddings costing as much as £450 for what is essentially a temporary solution. A ‘Me-Moon’ can offer you the opportunity to improve complexion and enhance your natural beauty through a diverse range of specialist treatments and therapies that provide a lasting natural beauty that extend well past the honeymoon period.
For example, Health and Beauty at Longevity Health and Wellness Hotel offers an opportunity to enhance your natural beauty through precision guided facial evaluations in combinations with cosmetic treatments. Including a deep skin detox, a pedicure, a local cellulite & contour ritual, and a detoxing clay ritual.
Relax by the pool at SHA Wellness Clinic
If there’s one thing you shouldn’t have to put up with on your wedding day its toxicity! The wedding process can be so energy sapping and physically taxing, overall contributing a negative to your mental and physical health. This is bad news, in order to enjoy your big day to its fullest you, yourself, need to feel one hundred percent. A ‘Me-Moon’ allows for a respite between wedding planning and the wedding itself, where you can focus on the positive parts of the wedding and improve your overall health and wellness in the process.
For example, Detox at SHA Wellness Clinic provides a perfectly curated range of detox treatments designed to improve general health and make you feel pampered, through inclusions such as massages and Pressotherapy sessions. As well as medical and nutrition treatments such as a course pf personalised dietary supplements and a personalised nutrition plan.
If you want to be pampered and make the most of the biggest day of your life, a ‘me-moon’ might just be what you’re looking for. ‘Me-moons’ can serve so many unique needs. They are what you make of them, any holiday should definitely be a consideration when it comes to thinking about your wedding travel plans – they can be a ‘me-moon’ as long as it contributes a positively to your wedding experience. Who wouldn’t want to feel their best selves ahead of, during and after your big day? A me-moon may be just the ticket!
Talk to one of our Travel Specialists on 0203 397 8891 or contact us here to discuss tailor-making your perfect pre-wedding health retreat today!